Chapter Eighty-Seven

The twins waited in the basement while the time machine whirred. Anastasia shook her head incredulously. "Alex -- I cannot believe you."
"I told you. I've been telling you, if you'd just listen. We're in Hidden Springs, which until Moonlight Falls opened was the magic capital of the Simiverse. Your wedding next month, don't you want Daddy to be there? In the flesh?"
"Sure, I mean, of course I do, it's just that --"
"I know what it is. You buried him in your mind and you're not prepared to accept that maybe he COULD be revived."

Four hours later, Prince Renauld used all his strength to push open the doors of the time machine. And he was no longer a ghost. He was a flesh and blood Sim.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! So can Sims really be revived using the time machine? Or was that just part of the story? ;)
