Chapter Eighty-One

Upon their arrival back in Hidden Springs, Anastasia and Lucian hit the gym in preparation for what was certainly going to be the wedding of the season.

Anastasia was huffing and puffing after lifting the iron bar over her head only twice.
"I don't know how Alex does it," she mused between deep breaths, "day after day after day. Hours upon hours at a time. Guess that's why it's her and not me."

Lucian, on a nearby treadmill, attempted to keep his balance. "Even Patrick has problems keeping up with her."
"We do have a long line of athletes in our family. I'm just not one of them."
Lucian laughed. "Annie, you don't have to be athletic to be special. Your gifts and talents lie elsewhere. I'm sure you know that by now."
"Still though -- it's funny, we have the same DNA, we were born 3 minutes apart and we're completely different." Anastasia left the weights alone. "I'm done with this."
"Annie -- Annie, don't give up! Annie!"
Anastasia was gone, now sitting on a bench outside the gym.

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