Chapter Nineteen

Alexandra spent long hours inside the basement below the garage.  Her father, Prince Renauld, had ordered it built years earlier when his daughters were children. At the time, Queen Catarina was not happy about it.
He furnished it with chemistry tables, books, art supplies, even a time machine, having envisioned it as a 'special place' for his daughters to 'hang out.' 
Now, though, Princess Alexandra was in here trying to discern the formula to turn imaginary friends real. 
"Now I know," Alexandra wondered, "that one of these compounds is the metamorphium.  I can't seem to remember the instructions for making it."

It all seemed so easy when they were children and had these strange-looking dolls to keep them company while their busy parents performed their diplomatic duties in the commonwealth.  The dolls had been gifts from their overseas relatives, and the girls seldom traveled anywhere without them.  Even when, as children, their mother sent them away to boarding school, the dolls went along, too.

And then, as teenagers, when they'd run away together into the woods.

After blowing herself up on more than one occasion, somehow Alexandra figured it out.

Alexandra waited until everyone else in the household -- including her baby nephew and niece -- had gone to bed. And it was now or never.

"Here goes, Patches."
"What is it?" it asked.
"Just drink it, you'll like it..."

Patches took a few gulps of liquid...

Alexandra watched as the transformation was taking place before her very eyes.

The transformation was complete. Patches was now Patrick.

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