Chapter Fifty-Five

"And you are..." Prince Renauld asked Lucian as Lucian approached him.
"And whose are you?" laughed the Prince.
"Anastasia's boyfriend."
"I see. How long have the two of you been dating?"
Lucian took a deep breath. "Technically, Annie and I have known each other our whole lives, as I used to be her imaginary friend, but we only started dating about two simweeks ago."
"Not very long at all, in the grand scheme of things."
"I love her and I want to marry her. But, that has hit a snag recently."
"Annie and I had a fight. She wants to attend architecture school in Monte Vista, but she doesn't want me to go with her."
"Hmm, I see," Prince Renauld mused. "You have to understand Ana. She likes to have her space to explore things on her own. She's very independent that way. Always has been. You know, when she was little, her mother and I found her in our bedroom watching the History Channel. We found out she'd been watching a documentary on Bridgeport's architecture. She's always been interested in that. So, Lucian, my suggestion to you is if you do care about her and love her like you say you do, don't crowd her or cramp her style, allow her to do things at her own pace."

Anastasia heard a knock on her door. "Come in!" she called.
It was her father, Prince Renauld, in ghost form. He spoke in an ethereal tone. "Darling --"
Anastasia didn't look at him, instead continuing to paint on her canvas.
"Your picture is coming out quite well. Just like all of your pictures. I always said that your paintings would end up in the Museum of Natural History one day."
"What are you doing here? Why are you back?"
"Because I'm your father, and I never left. Especially judging by that angel wing tattoo on your arm."
"How'd you know about that?"
Prince Renauld laughed. "Ana -- you forget that in this form I can see everything. I'm not limited to the natural realm."
Anastasia forced herself to look at her father. She could see that his outline was no different from when he was alive. But instead of walking, he floated above the ground, in the very pajamas he wore to enter the afterlife.
"I understand you plan on attending architecture school in Monte Vista."
"Yes," replied Anastasia, "I've already filed the paperwork."
"Have you completely thought this through, Ana?"
"Yes, completely. I plan on attending classes and doing architecture jobs around town."
"No, that's not the question I'm asking, Ana. You're going to a different country, with different customs, where you won't know anyone."
"And that suits me just fine."
"Anastasia." Prince Renauld enunciated his youngest daughter's full name. "I spoke to your boyfriend, Lucian, is it? He appears to be a fine young man who cares for you deeply. But he is hurt by the way you've treated him. You've treated everyone this way, including your mother. Tell me, Ana, darling, what has happened to the little girl who would sit on my lap and envelope me with hugs and kisses? I don't recognize you anymore. This is not you. You're not the happy, charming, smiling little girl I knew, who'd run around the house and show off her latest paintings. That little girl, she's in there somewhere. Lucian would like to meet her, and I would like to see her again."
"What are you saying, Dad?"
"I think you need to apologize to him. I told Lucian that he needs to give you your space. But you have to make some concessions, too. In any relationship the two partners have to find a way to get along with each other. Find some things the two of you like to do together. You know, Ana, when your mother and I got married, we had to figure out what we liked to do together and do those things. Once I said 'I do' my life completely changed. It became not about 'me' anymore, but about 'we.' Just think about it, dear."

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