Chapter One Hundred Six

Three months later, Alexandra was summoned to the office of Dr. Emit Relevart, a mysterious scientist hired by the military as a special consultant.
"Dr. Revelart, Relevant --"
"It's Relevart, my dear. Please, have a seat." Obediently Alexandra sat in the seat opposite the blue-clad Dr. Emit Relevart.
"Why did you call me here?"

"When I recruit someone I like to do my -- research." He directed Alexandra's attention to the monitor in front of her. "Alexandra Maria-Louisa de Ghent Vanderburg, born 27 Nov 1991, Vanderburg Palace, Hidden Springs, 3 minutes before fraternal twin sister Anastasia. Mother, Catarina, of Dutch and German descent, came from a long line of royals; father, Renauld, a top diplomat, of French and Italian heritage. Told your father at age five that you wanted to become an astronaut. His response was to order a massive laboratory built in the basement of the palace, much to the chagrin of your mother. Matriculated at Smuggsworth Preparatory School, where you were a top equestrian and fourth-class prefect. SUAT test scores indicated high predisposition towards science and mathematics. You chose a college major along those lines when you enrolled in the Sims University Institute of Technology. Graduated magna cum laude from SIT with a degree in aerospace engineering. For your senior research project, you decided to try to revive your deceased father -- at which point, you came to my attention."

"How did you know about my experiment? It was top secret! No one knew about it except my family!"

"Ah, Alexandra, you see, that's where you're mistaken. In the future we know the consequences of actions before they're even attempted. Anyone who devises a formula to turn plush toys into real living Sims, who even considers something as audacious as reviving a dead Sim, who dares to think that maybe, with a sprinkling of special spring water and a dash of ingenuity and a whole lot of love, they could bring a Sim who's been dead back to full life, I'd say that individual has my attention. Especially since it's an experiment that deals with the very nature of time and life itself. For obvious reasons this proposition greatly intrigued me. Moreover, if that individual succeeds in that endeavor, if the very Sim in question is once again in the land of the living, he or she definitely merits my attention. Which is why I've selected you for this mission."
"Mission? As in --"
"I'm sending you, Alexandra, Princess of Hidden Springs, through a portal which will take you to a place far away from here -- a place hundreds of years into the future. I'm sending you with fellow astronauts to live, work, and research future technology -- and challenging you to bring that technology back with you to improve the lives and lots of your fellow Sims. This place is called Oasis Landing. It's where I live. Sometime very early one morning -- I won't say which morning -- I shall summon you to come with me through a special portal that I've invented. While you are in Oasis Landing, I have arranged for you to take special classes in advanced technology, that can be used to benefit Sims in the present day."

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